Nobody wants damaged stamps, when receiving them via tag or RR so here are some advice and tutorial how to detect damaged stamps or even a demonstration what are damaged stamps.
To see the closer details just click on the appropriate stamp and it openns up in a specified tab in full size. The red color is to show the area of interest. Otherwise stamps having such color or just color the should not have they are ruined too :-)
the really rare stuff first: the beauty was treated with some correction fuid,
so sorrowly damaged.
if a stamps get bent 180 degrees, most probably loss of color on the picture side is the result, also those stamps are all ruined :-(
This poor thing looks like it was in some trouser pocket, it crumpled ( even if flatened afterwards the injuiries remain :-( )
here we got some straight ripe offs and tears, what a pity, all for the bin
typical problem thin stamps that is a layer which belonged to the stamp on the back is torn off, as a result of impatient soaking - So be patient to avoid a damaged stamp
shortened tooth in the upper middle of the stamp
really obvious tear off
This special one was cut by hand so, one might -as I did- think it's a 3 side perforated stamp, but if you look close you see the lower border is too short in comparison to the upper border and its not totally even.